Can You Spot a Phishing Mail?

Cybercrime is the fastest growing form of crime in the world.

In the last year, cyber criminals delivered a wave of cyber attacks that were not just highly coordinated, but far more advanced than ever before seen. As one of the favored methods for cyber criminals to gain access to your information is through phishing emails. In fact, more than 90% of modern data breaches involve a phishing attack! Cleverly disguised as legitimate emails, phishing emails lure unsuspecting victims into providing their credentials be presenting them with what looks like a genuine email that links them to what is seemingly an official website. The most common example of these is a password reset.

But how do you spot a phishing mail?

The infographic below highlights 5 easy ways to spot a phishing email and will help you stay protected against  even the sneakiest of attackers.

One Last Thing

If ever you are in doubt, feel free to contact the heroes  at IT Allies and we will gladly assist! 

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